Virtua Fighter 2: Jacky FAQ v0.50


by James M. Ross

[email protected]

Please send any comments, corrections, and additions to the above address.


Table of contents



Part I: The moves

  Key to move list table

  Move list table

  Move description and analysis

    Basic and special moves

    Combination attacks

    Turning attacks and combinations                 under construction

    Hopping attacks                                  under construction

    Jumping attacks                                  under construction



    Getting up and rising attacks

Part II: Selected Jacky topics

  Staggering and delayed combination attacks


  Guard cancel and using the defense button          under construction

Part III: Strategy and tactics                       Part III & IV

  General philosophy                                 will be completed

  Character specific tactics                         in later versions

                                                     of the FAQ

Part IV: For your information

  Character profile, history, and fighting style

  First grade with Jacky

  Taunts and grunts




"Jack of all trades, but master of none." (except maybe the kickflip)



Jacky, be fittingly, in terms of game play in VF2, fits this proverb very

well. He's of average speed, behind Pai, Sarah, Kage and Lion. He has

attacks with good range, but not the extreme range the lunging/flying

attacks that everyone else except Sarah has. He has very versatile

attacks, but lags slightly behind Kage, who has a low turn away attack and

flying attacks. He has good low attacks, but is hampered by having to

punch first to get a sweep. His pounce is of average speed, behind Pai,

Sarah, and Shun. His sidekick is powerful, but needs to hit as a counter

attack to knock someone down, while Wolf and Jeffry can knock someone down

with just a sidekick. He excels, however, with his kickflip float hit, but

even this ability is not the most dominant of the game, as Lau easily

outclasses him when it comes to damage potential while floating an


According to the VF2 FAQ, to fight well with Jacky, you must bring out the

"fear of the unknown" in your opponent. If Jacky has a strength at all

over the other characters, it's his ability to "roll your own combos" and

mix attack levels easily within those combos. This has lead me to define

"combo attacks" very liberally. I do not think of a combo as an

unbreakable series of attacks, nor do I think combos are just the built in

PPPK variety that any VF beginner picks up on almost immediately when they

start playing the game. With Jacky you need to prey on your opponents'

want to counter after blocking one of your attacks, and this is where

delayed combos come into affect. When I say combo in this FAQ, I refer to

any chain or string of moves that are "useful". This explains why the

movelist contained within this FAQ is longer than other move lists. It

includes almost all of the possibilities to inspire the "fear of the

unknown." I only stopped when it came to elbow/hook stagger combos and

floating attacks, as the possibilities of what you can do to your opponent

after an elbow/hook stagger or after you get them air born would easily

double the size of the move list and is generally redundant or irrelevant

in terms of the actual combos themselves. Instead I've dedicated an entire

section to both the use of the elbow/hook stagger and the possible float


The primary reason I am writing this is to try to inspire more expert

quality players as well as new VF2 players to start playing as Jacky. He

has been left behind in terms of tactics development, IMO, as many

consider him "cheesy" or "mechanical". I admit that his kickflip can take

off incredible amounts of damage, but so can Akira's body check. I also

want to point out that both of these attacks leave the attacker extremely

vulnerable if they're blocked, justifying their damage causing potential.

While I don't expect Jacky's popularity to grow like Akira's did after the

release of Joji Suzuki's Akira FAQ, I would hope that many will reconsider

Jacky as a viable character to master. I feel an aggressive, multi-level

and stagger combo Jacky is an exciting fighter to play as well as to watch


I have chosen, like other FAQ writers, to use the Akira FAQ as a template

for this work and have only tried to improve upon the movelist's format. I

had thought my Jacky evolution had dead ended with the development of the

G-cancel combos, but I have found great joy in finding new stagger

potential with Jacky's elbow and hook punch thanks to recent posts in

RGVA. Therefore I am very open to your opinions in terms of strategy and

tactics, as I am continually striving to improve my play. I have found

through personal experience that very subtle changes in tactics can make

the difference between a crushing defeat and a long winning streak. Again,

I am openly requesting any comments, complaints, and suggestions by

posting to RGVA or emailling me directly. Thanks a lot and have fun.


Part I: The moves


Key to Moves Table


  ?=I am unsure about this move, damage, recovery time, or reversal.


  P,K,G=punch, kick, and guard (defense), respectively

  u,d,b,f=TAP joystick up, down, back, or forward, respectively--a slash "/"

    indicates a diagonal direction, i.e. d/f=diagonally down and forward;

    back and forward are always respective to your opponent, i.e. at the

    beginning of a round on the player one/left side, f=right and b=left

  ,,=Hesitate slightly before entering the next command--a delayed combo--in

    all other combos, enter the commands as fast as possible


  H=Move hits standing non-defenders, throw hits any standing opponents

  M=Move hits crouching opponents (even when defending)

  L=Move hits standing opponents (even when defending)

  G=Move hits opponents that are lying on the ground

  B=Throw hits opponents that have their back facing Jacky


  Given in life bar points, NOT a percentage of the life bar. The standard

  of 100 points is set by Wolf's Twirl and Hurl (of all things). When the

  game is set at normal difficulty, the life bar has 200 points when	

  playing with 2 players. The life bar is reduced by 90% when fighting the

  CPU. At the higher difficulty setting, the life bars are shorter and the

  ring is smaller.


  Measured in 60ths of a second. A blank space means that the time was not

  available to me at the time of writing the FAQ.

  F=Jacky changes his stance/feet position after this move

  B=Jacky ends up with his back facing his opponent after this move

  S=Jacky skips back half a step after this move

  D=Jacky ends up lying on the ground on his back after this move


  P=Pai can reverse indicated high/mid-level attacks

  K=Kage can reverse high punches

  W=Wolf can reverse side kicks

  A=Akira can reverse indicated high/mid/low-level attacks


  !=Opponent will always be knocked down when this attack hits

  +=The dodging punch and turning backfist can be used as the first punch

    in any of the combos that start with a simple high punch

  *=The kickflip must be done as u/b+G+K (like Kage's), to get it in this


  %=Jacky gyrates his hips after connecting with the spinning mid-kick

  @=Jacky hangs his leg and drops it slowly after the fifth lightning kick

  $=Jacky usually does a little dance after connecting with the turn toward

    kicks (a pounce is impossible to connect if this happens)

  #=The landing kick, overhead hammer, and drop kicks can be comboed after

    the take-off kick

  &=Rising attack can only be done when Jacky is face up and his head is near

    his opponent

Move name             Command Motion  Hit  Damage    Recovery  Reverse Comment

=========             ==============  ===  ======    ========  ======= =======

Basic moves


Punch                   P             H     12          20?     P,K,A

Low punch               d+P           L     10                  A

Roundhouse kick         K             H     30          22?     P,A    !

  (high kick)

Low skipping kick       d/b+K or      L     10                  A

                          hold d+K

Side kick               d/f+K         M     25                  P,W,A

Special moves


Elbow (forearm shiver)  f+P           M     19          21      P,A

Hook punch              d/f+P         H     14          16      P,K,A

Backfist                b+P           H     22          14      P,K,A

Low backfist            d/b+P         L     22          22

Dodging punch           G,P           H     14          16      P,K,A    +

Beat knuckle            P+K           M     30          32      P,K,A

  (bitch slap)

Knee                    f+K           M     30          29F              !

Toe kick                d+K           M     24          24      P

Side hook kick          b+K           M     20          20      P,A      !

Backflip                u/b           -      0

Kickflip                u/b+K         M     60          50               !

Crescent kick           G+K           H     30-50       24

Spinning mid-kick       b,f+G+K       M     36          41F              %

Low side kick           d+G+K         L     20          36      A

  (shin slicer)

Punt kick               f,f+K         M     30          40      P,A      !

Lightning kick          d+P+K         M      8          26      P,A

Combos                                                     (reverse applies

------                                                      to last move

Punch combos                                                of combos only)


Double punch            P,P           HH    12+12       16      P,K,A

Punch-side kick         P,K           HM    12+19       19      P,W,A

  (at close range)

Punch-crescent kick     P,K           HH    12+(30-50)  18               !

  (at long range)

Punch-roundhouse kick   f,P,K         HH    12+30       22      P,A      !

Punch-sweep             P,d+K         HL    12+(20-40)  34               !

Punch-low backfist      P,G,d/b+P     HL    12+22       22

Elbow-heel kick         f+P,K         MH    19+30       30      P,A      !

Elbow-kickflip          f+P,,u/b+G+K  MM    19+60       50               !,*

Double punch combos


Triple punch            P,P,P         HHH   12+12+14    15      P,K,A

Double punch-straight   P,P,K         HHM   12+12+30    28      P,A      !


Double punch-backfist   P,P,b+P       HHH   12+12+22    28      P,K,A

Double punch-low        P,P,G,d/b+P   HHL   12+12+22    22


Double punch-elbow      P,P,f+P       HHM   12+12+19    21      P,A

Double punch-elbow-heel P,P,f+P,K     HHMH  12+12+19+30 30      P,A      !


Double punch-elbow-     P,P,f+P,,     HHMM  12+12+19+60 50               !,*

  kickflip                u/b+G+K

Backfist combos


Double backfist         hold b+P,P    HH    22+30       22      P,K,A

Backfist-low backfist   b+P,d/b+P     HL    22+22       25

Backfist-crescent kick  b+P,K         HH    22+(30-50)  32F              !

Backfist-sweep          b+P,d+K       HL    22+(20-35)  36F              !

Backfist-kickflip       b+P,,u/b+G+K  HM    22+60       50               !,*

Low Backfist combos


Low backfist-sweep      d/b+P,K       LL    22+(20-35)  36               !

Low backfist-knee       d/b+P,,f+K    LM    22+30       29F              !

Low backfist-hook kick  d/b+P,,b+K    LM    22+20       20      P,A      !

Low backfist-punt kick  d/b+P,f,f+K   LM    22+30       40      P,A      !

Low backfist-kickflip   d/b+P,,u/b+K  LM    22+60       50               !

Low backfist-beat       d/b+P,,P+K    LM    22+30       32      P,K,A


Low backfist-elbow      d/b+P,f,f+P   LM    22+(19      21(81D) P,A      !

  (or clothesline takedown)                   or 40)

Low backfist-elbow-     d/b+P,f,f+P,K LMH   22+(19+30   30(81D) P,A      !

  heel kick                                   or 40)

Low backfist-elbow-     d/b+P,f,f+P,, LMM   22+(19+60   50(81D) P,A      !,*

  kickflip                u/b+G+K             or 40)

Kick combos


Roundhouse kick-heel    K,K           HM    30+30       28      P,A      !


Crescent kick-sweep     G+K,d+G+K     HL    (30-50)+    40               !


Double lightning kicks  d+P+K,K       MM    8+8         24      P,A

Triple lightning kicks  d+P+K,K,K     MMM   8+8+8       25      P,A

Four lightning kicks    d+P+K,K,K,K   MMMH  8+8+8+10    27      P,A

Five lightning kicks    d+P+K,K,K,K,K MMMHH 8+8+8+10+30 31      P,A      !,@

Side kick-heel kick?    d,d/f+K,K     MH    24+25               P,A      ?

Turn away attacks (while facing opponent)


Turn away hook          b,b+P         H     14          16B     P,K,A

Turn away kick          b,b+K         H     30          16B     P        !

Turn toward attacks (with back facing opponent)


Turn toward backfist    P             H     20                  P,K,A    +

Turn toward hook        b+P           H     12                  P,K,A

Turn toward low punch   d+P           L     14                  A

Turn toward hook from   hold d+P      H     20                  P,K,A


Turn toward kick        K or b+K      H     36            S     P,A      !,$

Turn toward sweep       d+K or        L     36                           !

                          hold d+K

Turning Combos (while facing opponent)


Turn away hook-backfist b,b+P,P       HH    14+20               P,K,A    +

Turn away hook-hook     b,b+P,b+P     HH    14+12               P,K,A

Turn away hook-low      b,b+P,d+P     HL    14+14               A


Turn away hook-kick     b,b+P,K       HH    14+36         S     P,A      !,$

Turn away hook-sweep    b,b+P,d+K     HL    14+36                        !

Turn away kick-backfist b,b+K,P       HH    30+20               P,K,A    +

Turn away kick-hook     b,b+K,b+P     HH    30+12               P,K,A

Turn away kick-low      b,b+K,d+P     HL    30+14               A


Turn away kick-kick     b,b+K,K       HH    30+36         S     P,A      !,$

Turn away kick-sweep    b,b+K,d+K     HL    30+36                        !

Hopping attacks (tap u, u/f, or u/b)


Hopping hammer          u+P           M     30                           !

Hopping jab             u,P while asc M     30                           !

Hopping kick            u,K while asc M     30                  P,W,A    !

Hopping side kick       u,K while des M     20                  P,W,A

Jumping attacks (hold u, u/f, or u/b)


Take-off kick           hold u+K      M     30                           !

  (jumping/leaping kick)

Mid-air kick            hold u,K      M     30                           !

                          while asc

Landing kick            hold u,K      M     30                           !,#

                          while des

Overhead hammer         hold u,f+P    M     30                           !,#

                          while asc

Drop kick to front      hold u,f+K    M     40                           !,#

                          while asc

Drop kick to rear       hold u,b+K    M     40                           !,#

                          while asc



Short/low pounce        u+P           G     30?

Long/high pounce        hold u+P      G     40?

Skip kick (soccer kick) d/f+K         G     15          48

Throws (must be within punch range)


Brainbuster             P+G           H     50         153D

Reverse clothesline     P+G           B     70         179


Clothesline takedown    f,f+P         H     40          81D

Trip and hammer         f,b+P+K       H     60          65F

Rising attacks (repeatedly tap button and/or joystick to get up faster)


Stand up                P             -      0

Handspring (kip up)     u             -      0

Rising kick             K             M     30?                          !

Rising sweep            hold d+K      L     30?                          !

Handspring kick         K or hold d+K M     30?                          !,&

  (mule kick)

Twist away              G             -      0

Twist away and kick     G,K while     M     30?                          !


Twist away and sweep    G,hold d+K    L     30?                          !

                          while twisting

Roll away               b             -      0

Roll away and kick      b,K while     M     30?                          !


Roll away and sweep     b,hold d+K    L     30?                          !

                          while rolling

Roll away and mule kick b,K while     M     30?                          !,&


Roll away and low mule  b,hold d+K    L     30?                          !,&

  kick                    while rolling

Move Analysis



Basic and Special Moves


The following is a detailed description of what Jacky does during each of

these attacks, along with some comments on how to use them.

Punch (P) and low punch (d+P)


The high punch is a quick jab that's mainly used to start combos. Its only

drawback is that it hits high, the easiest attack level to defend against.

The low squatting punch is primarily used for harassment and to finish off

the last bit of your opponent's life bar, but it's also the quickest way

to crouch--about 10 frames faster than just holding down on the joystick.

Low punch whenever you feel your opponent is coming in for a throw, but be

aware that if you guess wrong, you'll be knocked down by almost any

mid-level attack. The low punch is also useful for goading your opponent

to crouch and defend so that you can unleash Jacky's powerful mid-level


Roundhouse kick (K)


The single roundhouse kick is a high kick that should not be used that

often. It's slow and hits high. But in certain situations it's very

useful, such as after an opponent's missed pounce (especially Lau's). In

these cases, always use the roundhouse-heel kick combo, for maximum


Low skipping kick (d/b+K)


Jacky skips forward and flicks his forward foot at his opponent's legs.

The low kick is great for harassment and goading your opponent to crouch.

Use in conjunction with the single lightning kick to finish off the last

bit of your enemies life bar. Be aware, however, that Jacky is still

vulnerable to some lunging/hopping high attacks, like Pai's lunging high

kick and Wolf's drop kick, because he is standing when he does this


Side kick (d/f+K)


A kick right at the opposing character's mid-section, a move that every

character in the game has. (Unfortunately, the side kick is forgotten

about by most players, IMHO, even though any character can knock down a

crouching defender with a single side kick, as it hits a croucher right in

the face.) Jacky's side kick has great range, at least as far as Jeffry's

and Wolf's, but it comes out faster than theirs, and for slightly less

damage (25 vs. 30 points). But the damage is still enough to knock down an

opponent if you catch them recovering from a missed attack, especially the

high rising attack. Use primarily against crouchers at extreme

range--those that would have time to stand if you dashed in and then

attacked. The side kick should also be used exclusively against

inexperienced players that continually hit PPP. Just back up a step and

side kick under their punches. A low pounce will always connect after a

side kick knock down.

Elbow (f+P)


Jacky steps forward and delivers a forearm shiver to his opponent's chest.

The elbow is also a great harassment attack, as it's uncounterable if

blocked. It staggers crouchers as well, giving you an opportunity to

follow up with another attack, such as a side kick, beat knuckle,

kickflip, or elbow-heel kick (see the stagger section for more details).

You should always try to do the elbow with two forward taps instead of

just the necessary single tap. The benefit of this technique is that Jacky

will do the clothesline takedown if his opponent is standing, otherwise

you get the elbow stagger vs. a croucher. Note that the elbow is sensitive

to stance as well, and usually misses if you're in an open stance.

Hook punch (d/f+P)


Jacky does a left or right cross with whichever arm is forward, a punch

that's perpendicular to the axis of the fight. The hook punch is a move

that is very under used, IMHO. It has great harassment potential as it

comes out very quick and has a lightning fast recovery time. Unfortunately

it hits high, the hardest attack level to connect with, and has a very

short range, about equal to the elbow's. The reason that the hook should

be used regularly, however, is that it can be used in a very similar

fashion as the elbow, but to stagger non-defending standing opponents and

then follow it up with a side kick, beat knuckle, or punt kick (see the

stagger section). Too bad the hook can't be comboed naturally like the

dodging punch or elbow, it would significantly increase its popularity and


Backfist (b+P)


Any professional kickboxing fan will recognize this attack. Jacky spins

around hitting his opponent in the head with the back of his clenched

fist. A quick move with excellent range and recovery speed that is strong

enough to connect a kickflip float afterwards if you interrupt one of your

opponent's attacks. This attack also combos very easily with almost any

other attack because of its extremely fast recovery time. Its only two

draw backs are that it hits high and can easily be interrupted with a side

kick. Most good players have quick enough reflexes to duck under the

attack and throw you, but this can be remedied with the threat of the

backfist combos (see below).

Low backfist (d/b+P)


The attack most Jacky players love and all players who fight against Jacky

hate. It's use is very similar to Akira's dashing elbow and Pai's side

kick, but it has the added advantage of being able to damage standing

defenders. Jacky spins and crouches down at the same time to strike his

opponent at about knee level. The low backfist is one of Jacky's primary

combo starting moves thanks to its lightning fast recovery time, which

also makes this move uncounterable. Similar to the high backfist, a

kickflip float will connect if you interrupt one of your opponents

attacks, but it's also similarly vulnerable to being interrupted by a side

kick or low kick. The best time to try this is when an opponent comes in

with a PPP combo, Jacky will duck the punches and hit them in the legs for

a knock down and float hit chance. The best feature of this attack, IMHO,

is that Akira can't reverse it. It's one of the only low attacks he can't,

along with sweeps.

Dodging punch (G,P)


Another technique that is under used by most Jacky players. Jacky bends

backwards at his waist and delivers a hooking punch that does slightly

more damage than the normal high jab. The main benefit of this attack is

that it can be comboed with any combo attack that starts with a normal

high punch. Just tap defense before doing any normal punch combo. Don't

use the dodging punch to counter attack, you want to be as quick as

possible at those times. Instead, use the dodging punch when you end up

toe to toe with an opponent that likes to start his attacks with punches

(Sarah, Jacky, Pai, and Lau). If you're fighting against a character that

has to wind up for most of his attacks (like Jeffry, Wolf and Shun),

however, stick with the normal high punch, elbow, and backfists to start

your attack combos. You'll have greater success at interrupting their

attacks that way.

Beat knuckle (P+K)


Jacky looks like he's throwing a curve ball as he rips down diagonally

with his fist making a neat whoosh sound. This attack is one of the moves

that Jacky haters use to justify their dislike for Jacky, as many new

Jacky players pick up on it quickly and over use it. The beat knuckle

comes out very quickly and has good range. It is great when used as a

counter move, especially after a kickflip from Pai, Lau, or Kage (his low

one). But I've seen way to many Jacky's use it as their primary attack.

The recovery time is just way to long (over 1/2 a second) making this

attack easily punished when blocked. The beat knuckle is not a guaranteed

knock down when it connects. In certain situations only a stagger will

result, but the move doesn't recover quickly enough to allow Jacky to take

advantage of the stagger, like after an elbow or hook punch. (In future

versions of this FAQ I will outline the criteria for beat knuckle knock

downs and staggers.)

Knee (f+K)


Jacky hops forward with one leg bent up to hit his opponent with his knee.

This is Jacky's primary floating move. Whenever the knee connects, your

opponent will be floated high enough for you to get in another attack

while they're in the air. Through experience you'll learn when's the best

time to connect the knee. After an opponent's missed pounce is usually a

good time to do a single knee with float combo. The knee is also the move

of choice to change Jacky's stance, it's the fastest recovering move that

has this affect.

Toe kick (d+K)


Jacky kicks forward, raising his foot to waist height. A very slow attack,

that you should use very infrequently. It's usually only done by accident

when you miss the diagonal for the low skipping kick. The only thing you

should be aware of is that you can float people with the toe kick if you

interrupt one of their attacks. Follow the toe kick with a beat knuckle,

punt kick or side kick in these situations along with a low pounce for

maximum damage. Otherwise a high pounce will connect if you start it

before your opponent hits the ground.

Side hook kick (b+K)


Another new move for VF2, Jacky raises his leg and brings it down with a

heel axe motion, striking his opponent with the back of his foot. The hook

kick is uncounterable when blocked, so use it often. This move has

deceiving range and defines the spacing you want to keep with your

opponent. Find out what its range is and try to stay at that distance or

half a step further back from your opponent. You'll find that you'll be

able to interrupt many of your opponents attacks with this spacing and

this attack. You'll catch the outreached hand or foot of the attacker.

Also note that it's possible to get a float hit with the low side kick if

Jacky is in close when he connects the side hook kick, otherwise a high

pounce will almost always connect afterwards if you start your pounce

immediately, while your opponent is still in the air.

Backflip (u/b)


Jacky does a backward handspring to back away from his opponent. The

backflip can avoid most low attacks, but Jacky is still vulnerable to mid

and high level attacks. Tapping back twice is a much more reliable and

quicker way to get space between you and your opponent.

Kickflip (u/b+K)


Jacky does a backward layout flip with his feet extended to do damage to

his opponent. Jacky's "big gun" is the best kickflip in the game, it does

the most damage and has the best forward range, it's contact zone has a

reach similar to the elbow. Most opponents complain about the obscene

damage that the kickflip does, but if they can block it, they are free to

do whatever they want to Jacky, as it takes him almost an entire second to

recover from a kickflip. The optimal use of the kickflip comes as a

floating hit when your opponent is in the air after a knee, high or low

backfist. The kickflip is also very useful against those foolish enough to

do a jumping attack. Because of the large contact zone of the kickflip,

Jacky has the potential to hit a leaper almost all the way up to the apex

of their jump (except for Kage). The kickflip can also be used quite

effectively against another Jacky player who over uses the low backfist

combos--immediately kickflip after blocking the low backfist and if the

attacking Jacky was attempting a combo you'll almost always catch them


Crescent kick (G+K)


Jacky does a spinning high kick. This kick recovers surprisingly fast for

such an attack, but it hits high and is easily ducked under. Can be used

as an alternative to backing up and side kicking PPP crazy players, just

back up and crescent kick, instead.

Spinning mid-kick (b,f+G+K)


This kick is another new move for Jacky in VF2. Jacky spins around with a

leg extended to hit his opponent in the thigh. The only reason to do this

kick is to see Jacky gyrate his hips after it connects. When it does,

however, Jacky's showing off negates the chance to pounce. It's recovery

time is also dismal (two thirds of a second). Do you need any other

reasons why not to do this attack? Its only redeeming feature is that it

changes Jacky's stance, but the knee is a better choice for that purpose.

Low side kick (d+G+K)


Jacky crouches down and sticks out his front leg striking his opponent in

the shins. If you catch your opponent in the middle of an attack, they

will fall humorously on their face, otherwise this attack will just push a

standing defender back slightly. Use this attack very sparingly due to its

excessive recovery time. Both Wolf and Jeffry can still dash in and throw

Jacky even after being hit by the shin slicer. All the other characters

can also easily counter this attack after blocking it.

Punt kick (f,f+K)


The punt kick was Jacky's dominant move in VF1 (IMHO), but it has been

toned down greatly in VF2 due to its slightly shorter range. Jacky makes a

motion like punting a football, lifting his foot to about shoulder height.

This attack is great for interrupting attacks as well as hitting crouchers

at extreme range, similar to the side kick, but has more damage potential.

It is also popularly used as a float attack, second to the kickflip,

because of its similarly large contact area. Unfortunately there is no

"super" punt kick, similar to Akira's super dashing elbow. If you hit

f,f,f+K, Jacky will do a knee. To dash forward and punt kick, you must hit

forward *4* times. A Jacky player must be conscious of this failing,

otherwise he will most likely leave himself very vulnerable by missing an

attack with the knee. Also note that the punt kick's recovery time is very

long, so only use it at extreme range and make sure your opponent blocks

it, otherwise your opponent has plenty of time to dash in and punish you.

Lightning kick (d+P+K)


Jacky lifts his forward leg to hit his opponent in the knee. This attack

along with the low skipping kick and low backfist are best used for

harassment and finishing off your opponent. It works great with the two

low attacks because it hits mid-level. Only use at very close range,

because it has about as much reach as the elbow.


Combination Attacks


Below are comments on Jacky's multitude of combination attacks, focusing

primarily on the appropriate times to use each. Jacky can only excel

against good players by almost randomly mixing up attack levels and attack

timing, to inspire the "fear of the unknown". But really Jacky's goal is

to get his opponent to crouch and defend, so that he can unleash his most

powerful mid-level attacks. Keep this in mind while reading the following.

Double punch (P,P); triple punch (P,P,P); double punch-backfist

(P,P,b+P); double backfist (b+P,P); double punch-straight kick

(P,P,K); and double punch-elbow (P,P,f+P)


The first four combos main failings are that they are comprised entirely

of high attacks, the hardest attack level to successfully hit, as noted

above. Even though the double/triple punch and double backfist recover

quickly, you are still throw bait if your opponent ducks them, because you

missed. Furthermore, the double punch-backfist takes intolerably too long

to recover, use it very sparingly. On the other hand the double

punch-straight kick will knock a croucher down if you end up right on top

of them when the straight kick comes out, and the double punch-elbow will

stagger a croucher. See the elbow stagger section below. The double

punch-straight kick also seems to work well when used as a delayed combo,

i.e. hesitate before hitting kick. You will usually catch your opponent in

the middle of his attempted counter attack.

Elbow-heel kick (f+P,K) and double punch-elbow-heel kick (P,P,f+P,K)


The elbow-heel kick was Jacky's "bread and butter" move along with the

punt kick in VF1. Unfortunately, it has lost much of its bite in VF2, due

to its full half second recovery time, making it very easy to block and

counter. Do not, I repeat, DO NOT elbow-heel kick to start an attack

unless you are sure you'll knock you're opponent down, i.e. they were

crouching, dashing in, or you had already staggered them. (This especially

goes for Sarah players who also play Jacky, the elbow-heel kick is not as

safe as Sarah's elbow-knee.) The double punch-elbow-heel kick is Jacky's

most damaging "built-in" combo, and is usually unbreakable if the first

punch hits. A low pounce is a guaranteed hit as well after both combos.

Punch-side kick and punch-crescent kick (P,K); backfist-crescent kick

(b+P,K); and punch-roundhouse kick (f,P,K)


All except the backfist-crescent kick recover quickly, but they start with

a high attack, and are therefore not as easy to connect with as the elbow

heel kick. When in close the punch-side kick comes out automatically, you

must learn by experience how close you have to be to your opponent to get

the side kick. The side kick will also stagger your opponent so be

prepared to follow it up with another side kick, a beat knuckle or ANY PK

combo (the elbow-heel kick, punch-sweep and punch-crescent kick all work

nicely.) The punch-crescent kick recovers extremely fast for that type of

an attack and can be used as a feint at long range to draw your opponent

to dash in to counter. The backfist-crescent kick has a little better

range than the others, but takes over half a second to recover, use it

very rarely. You will usually get the punch-roundhouse kick by accident

when you mess up the timing for the elbow-heel kick.

Punch-sweep (P,d+K); backfist-sweep (b+P,d+K);

and low backfist-sweep (d/b+P,d+K)


This is where Jacky's ability to mix attack levels starts to flourish.

Most VF veterans will know to crouch when they see the backfist or low

backfist, because that's the way to defend against ANY of the "built-in"

combos after those attacks, be it a high crescent kick, a sweep, or

another backfist. A sweep after a normal punch, dodging punch, or the turn

toward punch, however, leaves extremely little reaction time, as most will

prepare to stand and defend against the double punch-elbow-heel kick. I've

had extreme success with the punch-sweep particularly when the camera

angle changes so that you don't know which way is left or right for your

joystick. The sweep has a very wide attack area that extends about 45

degrees to either side of the axis of the fight, so also feel free to use

it after reversing Sarah's or Shun's P+G throw, or any other time the

characters get out of alignment and you're afraid a straight forward

attack will miss to the side. All three of these combos also work great as

delayed combos, just hesitate before hitting d+K and the sweep will still

come out. Learn how long you can delay such combos, as this skill is very

valuable in messing up your opponent's timing as well as the "rhythm" of

the fight (see the strategy section). On the other hand, however, the

sweeps recovery time is greater then half a second, making it an extremely

easy move to punish if blocked. Be especially aware that Wolf and Jeffry

can get in one of their croucher throws if they block Jacky's sweep.

Fortunately for Jacky, the sweep is a guaranteed knock down when it hits,

while the low side kick, which has similar risks, is not. Follow up a

sweep with a low pounce for some guaranteed extra damage.

Punch-low backfist (P,G,d/b+P); double punch-low backfist

(P,P,G,d/b+P); and backfist-low backfist (b+P,d/b+P)


All three of these combos are used as a variation to get to the low

backfist and are easily chained together with the very powerful low

backfist combos (see below). The "built-in" backfist-low backfist is a

very neat looking move, IMHO, but has a few draw backs. First, the first

impulse of many after seeing a backfist is to crouch and defend, as

described above. Second, the low backfist takes slightly longer to recover

in this combo (25 vs. 22 frames in the other two), giving you less of a

chance to connect a delayed combo. Finally, you can't tack a sweep on

after the backfist-low backfist either. The punch/double punch-low

backfist are the first G-cancel combos you should learn as you strive to

be an expert Jacky player. The G button clears the command buffer and

cancels whatever built-in combo was in progress. (If it wasn't used, you

would have to wait longer than the delayed combo time to get a low

backfist out and not another high punch.) Both of the G-cancel combos were

developed to take advantage of players that have conditioned themselves to

stand and defend against Jacky's PPPK combo. This being the case, you'll

actually find that the two G-cancel combos work even better against

veteran VFers, as they will usually wait for the opening to counter,

versus newer players pounding on the buttons and maybe catching you during

the slight delay before the low backfist. Be prepared to finish off with a

low backfist combo as you will more likely than not stagger your opponent

in this case. Note that during the G-cancel, you can be thrown or

interrupted before the low backfist connects, so practice these two combos

so that you can do them as smoothly and quickly as possible.

Low backfist-knee (d/b+P,,f+K); low backfist-side hook kick (d/b+P,,b+K);

low backfist-punt kick (d/b+P,f,f+K); low backfist-beat knuckle

(d/b+P,,P+K); and low backfist-elbow/clothesline takedown (d/b+P,f,f+P)


These combos have been referred to in the past as Jacky's "canned" combos.

They are what most Jacky players will rely on to do the majority of their

damage. The idea is to stun your opponent with the low backfist, and as

they're recovering, hit them with a powerful mid-level attack or set them

up for an even longer combo. The low backfist-knee has the most damage

potential due to the float hit chances the knee incurs (see the floating

section), but you'll find that the punt kick (buffer it in right after the

low backfist) and the beat knuckle follow-ups work very well, especially

against Pai and Sarah, as they sometimes stumble too far away for the knee

to hit. Use the side hook kick and elbow when you fear you may miss the

low backfist from just beyond its range. They are both safe attacks if you

can make your opponent block them. Actually, I've only gotten the

clothesline takedown throw after missing with the low backfist, but it's

always advisable to do the elbow with two taps forward. Furthermore, the

first tap takes up the normal time you would have to delay anyway.

Elbow-kickflip (f+P,,u/b+G+K); double punch-elbow-kickflip

(P,P,f+P,,u/b+G+K); backfist-kickflip (b+P,,u/b+G+K);

and low backfist-kickflip (d/b+P,,u/b+K)


The first time you catch an opponent with the kickflip after an elbow or

double punch-elbow they'll wonder where there life bar went. The key with

the two elbow combos and the low backfist combo are to stagger/stun your

opponent with the first attack to leave them defenseless against the

kickflip. All of these combos are VERY risky because if you're late with

the kickflip, or your opponent just stands and defends against the

high/low backfist they will most likely block the kickflip leaving Jacky

as vulnerable as he could ever be. Also be wary of the lighter characters

being staggered too far away and out of range of the kickflip. The key to

using the backfist-kickflip is to pay attention to what your opponent does

when you throw a backfist at them. If their tendency is to just crouch and

defend (as most will), you'll usually catch them still in a crouch or even

better, interrupt their counter attack with the kickflip. This is one

reason to use the backfist-sweep and low backfist-sweep--to keep your

opponent "honest" and fearful of the low attacks.

Roundhouse kick-heel kick (K,K)


The roundhouse kick-heel kick is a simple combo that you'll rarely see

good Jacky players use very often, even though the heel kick is a

guaranteed hit if the roundhouse connects. Furthermore, the heel kick has

the ability to hit crouchers if you're close enough and the combo has good

reach overall. The reason experienced Jacky's won't use this combo more

frequently is that the knee can usually connect as a counter in place of

the high kick, and it has much more potential for high damage (see the

float section). If you're being conservative, however, the roundhouse-heel

kick is a good option.

Crescent kick-sweep (G+K,d+G+K)


A great surprise attack as the sweep is about a half step forward of the

crescent kick and usually catches opponents that look to counter a missed

crescent kick. I know a couple of Pai/Lau players that are jealous of this

combo, one that the crescent/sweep masters Pai and Lau should be able to

do, but can't (heh-heh). Use this combo freely until your opponent has

proven that he will just crouch and defend when Jacky does a crescent

kick. An added bonus of this attack is that if the crescent kick connects,

the sweep has a good chance of hitting as well.

Lightning kicks (d+P+K,K,K,K,K)


Jacky lifts his front leg progressively higher striking his opponent at

different levels. After the fifth kick, Jacky hangs his leg and drops it

slowly, emulating his fighting style's creator, Bruce Lee. This attack is

almost pure eye candy, but can be used in combination with the low kick to

finish off your opponents. The first three kicks hit mid-level and tend to

connect consecutively once one hits, but the last 2 hit high, and only the

last kick does enough damage to knock your opponent down. Most opponents

will duck and defend taking the minor damage of the first three kicks to

avoid being knocked down and then counter with a quick punch-kick. If you

just use the first two or three a few times, you may be able to lure an

opponent to counter attack too early and get hit by one of the high

attacks, but this strategy is very inadvisable. Use only against lesser

skilled players or when you have a comfortable lead in life bar points.

Side kick-heel kick (d,d/f+K,K)


The mythical Jacky combo, supposedly similar to Sarah's punt kick-side

kick combo but hundreds of times more difficult to do. I think Jacky's

roundhouse kick-heel kick is his corresponding attack, if there is such a

thing. I've only received one response concerning this combo, and it was

described as a side kick-heel kick not a toe kick-side kick as described

in the VF2 FAQ. (This is courtesy of Douglas William Cole

([email protected]).) Meanwhile, I would like to hear from anybody out

there that has done this combo with Jacky. IMHO, however, it is not worth

the effort or frustration of trying to get this combo that may or may not



Turning combos


The turning combination attacks can add a lot of spice to a match, and

will usually confuse your opponent when you suddenly have your back to

them. Be aware or your options when you have your back turned--you have

many. Most players will turn their back to set up a trap, especially if

they are playing against a character with a cool or powerful back throw

like Lion, Wolf or Jeffry. Therefore, the most common turn toward attack

is definitely the sweep or low kick for all characters, so to connect a

turn toward attack against someone who simply crouches and defends when

faced with Jacky's back, use the turn toward low punch or better yet ANY

of the punch combos, such as a punch-sweep or double punch-straight kick.

(This section will be expanded in later versions of the FAQ.)


Hopping attacks


Only use against the frequent sweepers or with a multitude of low attacks:

Pai, Lau, Lion and Shun; and only if the player who's using them DOES

sweep a lot. Otherwise, use hopping attacks against players who tend to

always get up with a sweep. You have to pay attention to your opponents'

tendencies. Except for these two cases, however, Jacky's hopping attacks

should not be used, mainly because they all hit mid-level, so there's no

temptation for your opponent to crouch, like against Pai, Lau, Kage, Lion

and Shun. Furthermore, the hopping attacks are telegraphed way in advance

and have long recovery times making them easy to block and counter attack.

(This section will be expanded in later versions of the FAQ.)


Jumping attacks


Use the jumping kick primarily for escape when you're backed up to the

edge of the ring. Furthermore, try to only add the combo of the landing

kicks if you have a chance to connect, to make the recovery time as short

as possible upon landing. Remember your options for turn toward attacks

and also that there's no shame in just running away. Never leap when

playing against the high kickflippers: Jacky, Sarah and Kage. If you're

playing against a very aggressive opponent who always starts the round

with an attack, the jumping kick can be used as an effective opening

attack as well. Also know that the jumping kick hits mid-level, and

therefore hits crouchers when they're close to you and makes it possible

to use the jumping kick as a float combo when you get your opponent in the

air. (This section will be expanded in later versions of the FAQ.)




Short pounce (up+P) and high pounce (hold u+P)


Jacky leaps toward his opponent and lands on him/her doing damage with his

knee and foot, then rolls backward off of his foe. Jacky's low pounce is

one of the most reliable in the game with good speed and a large contact

area. The only way to effectively escape it is for your opponent to

quickly kip up when his/her head is furthest from Jacky. The pounce has

great success against those who try to twist away because it can usually

catch one of their arms. Feel free to use the low pounce whenever you

knock your opponent down (except after the trip and hammer throw), just

remember that in VF2 you can start your pounce before your opponent hits

the ground, a great improvement over VF1. The high pounce will always

connect (if you start it while your opponent is in the air) after any move

that has floating potential, such as the knee, side hook kick, and toe

kick, or after a kickflip (against an opponent that was on the ground) due

to its high damage. If you're trying to pounce after a floating kickflip,

however, it's best to dash forward then low pounce (f,f,u+P). The other

great feature of Jacky's pounce is that his roll after it connects puts

him in perfect position to counter a rising attacker, just crouch and

defend while waiting for your opponent to get up. If they use the rising

heel kick, counter with a side kick-low pounce. If they choose the rising

sweep, you won't have time to counter, unless you're fighting Akira, Wolf

or Jeffry, who will still be knocked down by a side kick counter. (A list

of attacks after which the high pounce can connect will be compiled for

later versions of the FAQ.)

Skip kick (d/f+K)


Everyone, except the new guys, Lion and Shun, have stomps now to hit

fallen opponents on the ground for some extra minor damage. Jacky hops

slightly and kicks his opponent like he was striking a soccer ball. Your

best chance to get this attack in is against Shun and Wolf players who end

up lying on the ground frequently, after blocking Jeffry's flying butt

attack, or after a trip and hammer throw, but a quick/experienced player

should be able to get up before Jacky can skip kick. It is also useful as

a float hit just as your opponent hits the ground. It may be a better

option, however, to low pounce a Shun or Wolf player who is primarily

lying down to waste time because they are leading a round, you have to

learn what those attacks look like by experience.




Jacky can only throw standing opponents. It does not matter if they are

defending or not, but he must be within punch range to throw somebody.

Brainbuster (P+G)


Jacky grabs his opponent between the legs and above the shoulder and lifts

them up turning them upside down then kicks out his legs to let them fall

down on top of their head. This is also Jacky's only reversible throw. If

your opponent was attempting a P+G throw at the same time, and hit P+G

within a sixth of a second of you hitting P+G, your opponent will slip

Jacky's grab by falling and rolling backwards taking Jacky along with

them, and leaving both of them lying on their backs side by side. Jacky is

at a slight disadvantage when this happens because his opponent is able to

get up quicker, just make sure you're tapping back or defense to get away

from them as quickly as possible. The best opportunity to throw is when

your opponent misses an attack, especially if you ducked a high attack,

because you are already in throw range. You should always at least hold

forward when you attempt to throw or better yet tap forward twice before

the throw motion to make sure you're close enough to your opponent.

Reverse clothesline takedown (P+G)


With Jacky facing his opponent's back, he leaps forward and to the side

putting his hand on the back of their head and drives it into the ground

face first as he lands. He gets up slowly and turns around to survey his

work. A truly vicious looking throw which does more damage than any other

single attack Jacky possesses. Go for it when the opportunity presents

itself, such as after ducking Kage's flying kick or twisting away from one

of Lion's missed pounces, but be wary of traps that your opponents may set

for you by presenting Jacky with their back. A quick turn toward low sweep

or slide will knock down anyone trying to dash in for a back throw. If

you're afraid of such traps, stick with the side kick or punt kick to

attack the back of your opponent.

Clothesline takedown (f,f+P)


Jacky leaps forward and to the side of his opponent hooking his arm around

their neck and slamming the back of their head to the ground as he lands

on his back, leaving both players on their backs. You want to get in the

habit of always attempting the elbow by using the f,f+P motion. This

results, as explained earlier, in a dual purpose attack that can either

stagger crouchers or bring them down with the clothesline. Other than

that, it is a weak throw that you shouldn't necessarily try to do on

purpose, because the elbow stagger combos are much more damaging and the

trip and hammer is a much more damaging attack.

Trip and hammer (f,b+P+K)


Jacky's new throw for VF2. He sticks his leg out into his opponent's gut

doubling them over slightly and gives them a two fisted hammer to the back

to help flip them over his leg, leaving them on their back and Jacky

looking down at them and ready to give them a boot to the head with a

quick skip kick. This should be your primary throw because it is not

reversible like the brainbuster. You should hit f,f,b+P+K whenever your

opponent misses a power attack by being slightly too far away. The two

forward taps are not a typo. You want to dash in and then hit b+P+K. The

second forward tap of the dash in satisfies the forward tap necessary for

the trip and hammer. Jacky will throw out a beat knuckle if you weren't

close enough or your opponent was crouching when you went for the trip and

hammer, which is not too bad because you should at least stagger a

crouching opponent. This throw along with the clothesline takedown can

also be used to defeat any CPU opponent as well. Just back away from the

CPU controlled fighter and when they start running at you, dash in and

throw as explained above.


Getting up and rising attacks


All the VF2 characters will get up faster by repeatedly tapping the

joystick and/or buttons. The more input commands that are entered, the

faster they will get up. (See the Akira FAQ for a more detailed

explanation of the "rising model.") There are some techniques described

below that combine button and joystick taps to maximize the number of

input commands and still get up in the desired way under control.

Furthermore, each character has a maximum of 40 different ways to get up

based on their orientation to their opponent when they are on the ground.

This number is derived from all the combinations of head position (near or

away), face up or down, and weather an attack is made or not. In general,

however, Jacky has only 9 or 10 choices to pick from for any given


Stand up (P)


Jacky just stands up in place. Do not use this way of getting up unless

you are backed into a corner of the ring and even the handspring would

ring you out. A pounce will still connect, as Jacky does not move

horizontally to dodge an attack from above. Furthermore, Jacky is

vulnerable until he is completely upright, leaving an easy opportunity for

his opponent to knock him down again.

Handspring (u)


Jacky will do a gymnastic kip up if he is on his back or a flip over hand

spring when laying face down. Use this technique whenever Jacky is in

danger of getting pounced on the legs, i.e. whenever Jacky's head is

farther away from his opponent than his feet. But it's not that effective

in avoiding Lion's or Kage's pounces. The kip up pulls about

three-quarters of Jacky's body away from the ground, and therefore can be

very effective in dodging incoming pounces. Furthermore, you can always

avoid the second hop of Lau's heavy pounce by kipping up. To quickly get

up this way, tap both up and punch as quickly as possible. (Thanks to

Colin Leong for this idea.)

Rising kick (K)


Jacky gets up with a heel kick that will hit crouching defenders if they

are close enough. A low pounce will always connect after the rising kick.

Rising sweep (hold d+K)


Jacky gets up with a sweep that will take down standing opponents. A low

pounce will also always connect after knocking down an opponent with a


Handspring kick (K, when face up and head is near opponent)


When Jacky's head is near his opponent and he is face up, he has only one

attack available if he doesn't twist or roll away--the handspring or mule

kick. Even if you hold down, Jacky will still do the handspring kick.

Jacky kips up and then thrusts his feet at his opponent using his arms to

propel him upward at a 45 degree angle. The handspring kick hits crouching

defenders like a heel kick does, and the low pounce is also guaranteed

after it hits. Most experienced players know that Jacky can't sweep them

when he's in this orientation so they'll stand and defend and counter

attack after blocking the handspring kick. Use a different way to get up.

Twist away (G); twist away and kick (G, K while twisting);

and twist away and sweep (G, hold d+K while twisting)


Jacky twists his body, rolling away sideways, then stands up, or does a

heel kick or sweep. The twist can avoid most pounces, but has particular

trouble escaping from Pai, Sarah, Jacky, and Jeffry. Try to stick to the

handspring or rolling away when fighting one of those four. Use it almost

exclusively, however, against Lion's who pounce often, as you have a great

chance of ending up behind them as they get up. The twisting direction is

usually toward the center of the ring, even if that direction puts you

closer to your opponent, so pay attention to where the edge of the ring is

at all times. Don't depend on the twist to take Jacky away from the edge,

however, because at certain angles, the twist will bring him close enough

to the edge that he will fall out as he tries to get up. On the other

hand, you can use the twisting into your opponent to your advantage by

adding on the heel kick attack. Most players will back off just out of

range of the heel kick and crouch and defend as they wait for you to get

up. The twist will put Jacky back in range for the heel kick in these

cases. To get up as quickly as possible, tap down on the joystick while

also tapping defense. Once Jacky starts rolling, hit kick or hold down and

kick to make a rising attack.

Roll away (b); roll away and kick (b, K while rolling);

roll away and sweep (b, hold d+K while rolling);

roll away and mule kick (b, K while rolling); and

roll away and low mule kick (b, hold d+K while rolling)


Jacky does a forward or backward roll, depending on his orientation, and

then stands up, or does a heel kick or sweep. Use in the same situations

as the handspring, but be aware that the roll gets out of the way of a

pounce slightly slower. Also know that the CPU does not allow you to roll

out of the ring when you get up. Jacky will just stand up if you attempt

such a thing, leaving him very vulnerable as explained above. Generally,

if Jacky is on the ring's warning track and not almost parallel to the

edge, he won't be able to roll away to get up. The roll is usually your

best option defensively, because it allows Jacky to get as far away from

his opponent as possible. If an opponent sees you doing this often,

though, he may start dashing in behind your roll to attack you. Counter a

following opponent with a rising kick. To get up the quickest with a roll,

tap back (away from your opponent) and punch rapidly together, and once

Jacky starts rolling, you can add on a rising attack by hitting kick or

down and kick.


Part II: Selected Jacky topics



Elbow and hook punch stagger combos


Staggering refers to your opponent's reaction when you hit them with an

elbow or hook punch. They reel backwards, momentarily stunned by your

attack. (For a chuckle, look closely at the face of a character that gets

hit by a hook punch--they actually grimace.) The reason these combos work

is that the recovery time of the elbow and hook punch are quicker than the

opponent's recovery time from the stagger. Always be prepared to follow up

an elbow or hook punch to capitalize on your opponent's momentary


Staggering is very weight sensitive, with the lighter characters (Pai,

Sarah, Lion, Shun and Kage) being staggered far away, and the heavy

weights (Wolf and Jeffry) barely stumbling back a step. Keep this in mind

when attempting the various stagger combos, as some attacks don't have the

range to reach the light weights after they've been staggered. In

particular, the kickflip, knee, and some punch combos can be missed

because they have stumbled back too far.

The elbow is a much easier attack to get a stagger with, because it will

hit any croucher, even if they are defending, along with standing

non-defenders. The hook punch, on the other hand, will only stagger

standing non-defenders, and has a slightly shorter range. Both are quick

enough to interrupt a fair amount of the possible attacks other player's

can make. Just remember to always be prepared to tack on a combo if they


These lists are of course not complete, but may well be in a later version

of the FAQ. I am currently trying to confirm which attacks will always

work (not many, but it depends on what your opponent does after the

stagger) and against which opponents. The elbow-kickflip is almost a

guaranteed combo against a crouching middle to heavy weight opponent.

After an elbow to a crouching opponent:


  G-cancel kickflip (u/b+G+K)    (may miss light weights)

  double punch-elbow-heel kick

  double punch-straight kick

  elbow-heel kick


  punch-roundhouse kick

  punch-side kick/crescent kick


  backfist-crescent kick

  double backfist

  beat knuckle

  G-cancel punt kick (G,f,f+K)

  G-cancel knee (G,f+K)          (don't use against light weights)

After a hook punch to a standing non-defender:


  double punch-elbow-heel kick

  double punch-straight kick


  backfist-crescent kick

  double backfist


  punch-roundhouse kick

  punch-side kick/crescent kick

  roundhouse kick-heel kick

  beat knuckle

  punt kick

  side hook kick

  side kick

  knee                           (don't use against light weights)




Floating and juggling are terms VF players use when they refer to hitting

an opponent with an attack which makes them rise in the air before falling

to the ground, making them susceptible to further attacks as they are

falling. Floating is possible in the world of VF because the physics model

used in the game uses less gravity than the real world. This also partly

explains the super jumping ability of all the characters to some extent.

Jacky's major floating attack is the knee, but you can also get float

attacks in after the high or low backfist, the toe kick, and the side hook

kick if you catch your opponent with a major counter (you interrupt one of

their attacks), as well as after the turn away kick.

Floating is a skill that separates good players from fair to average

players, IMHO. Your main goal is to maximize the damage for a given


How high you float your opponent depends on 3 things:

1) weight*

    -light weights  = high and far float (they tend to bounce, too)

      (Pai, Sarah, Lion and Shun)

    -middle weights = average float

      (Kage, Lau, Jacky and Akira)

    -heavy weights  = low and short float

      (Wolf and Jeffry)

2) orientation

    -crouching = low float

    -standing  = average float

    -hopping   = high float

3) action

    -running in     = high float

    -major counter  = high float

    -counter        = average or high float

    -not defending  = average float

    -defending      = low float

  *Each character has there own individual weight (see the VF2 FAQ)

   and this is what the "floating model" built into the game really

   uses. It's not really as cut and dried as the three categories here,

   but this is a good way to classify the characters for discussions

   or papers like this. Kage has a very borderline weight and behaves

   like a "light weight" during staggers and bouncing but like a

   "middle weight" during floats.

These affects are cumulative. For example, if you catch Pai with a knee

while she's spinning around during her crescent kick (a major counter),

you will float her extremely high and maybe too high, as some attacks

could miss beneath her. If you had simply kneed a crouching Pai, she will

not be floated high enough to get in an extra attack. Wolf and Jeffry are

normally not floated high enough to get in an extra attack, but if you

catch them hopping or as a major counter, you have a good chance to hit

them in the air as well.

The below floating attacks are listed roughly in order of preference,

taking into account the ease of connecting the float attack and also the

damage potential the float attack has. Note that these lists are not

exhaustive. There may be other attacks that I haven't considered that

could follow the toe kick or turn away kick, in particular.

After a knee: (there are probably more than are listed here)



  elbow-heel kick

  punt kick

  beat knuckle

  jump kick

  punch-side kick/crescent kick



  backfist-crescent kick

  double backfist

  punch-roundhouse kick

  backfist-low backfist

  roundhouse kick

  low side kick

  double punch-straight kick\

  double punch-elbow         } (usually only the first and third

  triple punch              /   attacks of these three combos connect)

  ground skip kick     (the side kick will not work as a float attack)

  lightning kicks      (4 is my best against Pai, can you do better?)

After a high or low backfist:



  elbow-heel kick

  beat knuckle

  punt kick

  punch-sweep (?)


  ground skip kick     (the side kick will not work as a float attack)

  lightning kicks (?)

After a toe kick:


  beat knuckle

  punt kick

After a side hook kick:


  low side kick (must be in close range)

After a turn away kick:


  turn toward sweep


  turn toward low punch